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The Sunken Garden

Inspired by the Sunken Gardens and Theater in San Antonio, Texas, these three pieces have exciting cross-overs and cover the entire keyboard  with an improvisatory and contemporary sound palette.

THE JAPANESE TEA GARDEN (RCM Level 10) is beautifully serene, set amidst limestone and water. Rising paths and steps wind from the bottom floor to the top edge.

THE RIVER (RCM Level 10) represents the timeless flow and the impact on the land by “the river” and is more improvisatory, as if the player is making it up as they go.

THE THEATER (RCM Level 10) The warm nostalgia and Hispanic flavour of my Texas heritage are embodied in this final piece of the set. M.H. Duncan

RCM: The Royal Conservatory of Music

Individual E-Pieces available at