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New music from Red Leaf...

Sorting by: Category -> Piano Collections/Books

'Round the Key Circle We Go! Book 1: In My Garden

'Round the Key Circle We Go! Book 1: In My Garden

Amy Stephens

Categories: Piano Collections/Books

Levels: Early Elementary/Beginner/Prep A/B

32 pages, 12 pieces in Middle C position. Primer to early elementary piano. Pieces represent each major key in the circle of 5ths--great way for students to get comfortable with flats and sharps with easy melodies! 1. Curious Caterpillar: C major; 2. Glorious Gardenia: G major; 3. Dancing Dragonflies: D major; 4. Amazing Arnica: A major; 5. Eager Earthworms: E major; 6. Busy Bees: B major; 7. Glad Gazania: Gb major; 8. Delightful Daisies: Db major; 9. Amusing Ants: Ab major; 10. Everlasting Echeveria: Eb major; 11. Beautiful Butterflies: Bb major; 12. Fabulous Fuchsia: F major


Click here for Sound Samples & Scores
In My Garden title page
score sample
Curious Caterpillar, C major
score sample
Glorious Gardenia, G major
score sample
Eager Earthworms, E major
score sample
Delightful Daisies, Db major
score sample
Beautiful Butterflies, B-flat major
score sample
'Round the Key Circle We Go! Book 2: At the Zoo by Amy Stephens

'Round the Key Circle We Go! Book 2: At the Zoo by Amy Stephens

Amy Stephens

Categories: Piano Collections/Books

Levels: Elementary/Early Intermediate (Gr 1-4)

32 pages, 12 pieces in pentascale positions, elementary piano. Pieces represent each major key in the circle of 5ths; Includes optional improvisation for each key with teacher/student duets. As students learn their pentascales and chords in various keys for piano exams, wouldn't it be great to have a piece available in each major key to reinforce that key signature?  Amy makes pentascales directly relevant to repertoire by providing a piece in every key. This book also helps jumpstart the improvisation process with optional improv duets! 1. Cheerful Chipmunk: C major; 2. Galloping Gazelle: G major; 3. Dizzy Duckling: D major; 4. Astute Aardvark: A major; 5. Elegant Egret: E major; 6. Bumbling Bear: B major; 7. Giddy Gecko: G♭ major; 8. Delicate Deer: D♭ major; 9. Adorable Axolotl: A♭ major; 10. Elated Elephant: E♭ major; 11. Babbling Baboons: B♭ major; 12. Frivolous Flamingos: F major

Click here for Sound Samples & Scores
At the Zoo Title Page
score sample
Cheerful Chipmunk
score sample
C pentascale and improv
score sample
Galloping Gazelle
score sample
G pentascale and improv
score sample
Giddy Gecko
score sample
Gb pentascale and improv
score sample
A Day at the Beach

A Day at the Beach

Amy Stephens

Categories: NFMC Bulletin (US), Piano Collections/Books, Rock, Jazz, Pop, and Blues

Levels: Early Advanced/Advanced (Gr 8 - 9), Intermediate/Late Intermediate (Gr 5-7)

5 pieces, 28 pages. NFMC Bulletin 2024-2028 selections from the Popular Piano Solo category: Skipping Rocks (level 1), Tide Pools (level 2), Riding the Waves (level 3). Super-fun pieces in Latin-jazz and jazz styles depicting sites at the beach. Each piece has an accompanying song construction activity page to help students understand the compositional devices behind the music and to give students the opportunity to compose their own ideas. This book also helps students understand chromatic, whole tone, lydian, and blues scales, as well as complex intervals like 9ths and 10ths. Most of all, these rhythms feel really fun under the fingers!  This suite was awarded 1st place for Composers Today 2022. 1. Skipping Rocks, 2. The Hang Gliders, 3. Tide Pools, 4. Riding the Waves, 5. Swimming with Dolphins

Click here for Sound Samples & Scores
Table of contents
score sample
1. Skipping Rocks
score sample
2. Skipping Rocks song construction page
score sample
3. The Hang Gliders
score sample
4. Tide Pools
score sample
5. Riding the Waves
score sample
6. Swimming with Dolphins
score sample
A Grand Adventure

A Grand Adventure

Irene Voros

Categories: Piano Collections/Books, Rock, Jazz, Pop, and Blues

Levels: Elementary/Early Intermediate (Gr 1-4)

A GRAND ADVENTURE - Ten Elementary Piano Solos with Pizzazz!

Enjoy syncopated rhythms and harmonies related to the movement and energy of each character in flight.  When performing these pieces remember to be generous with musical expression of discovery, enchantment, and delight.  (*Conservatory Canada)

Level 1: Buzzing Bees, Firefly's Waltz, Runway Rock

Level 2: A Grand Adventure, Big Blue Sky*, Flying Under the Radar, Hummingbird, Out of This World*, Where Dreams Take Flight*

Level 3: Penguin's Plight

Individual E-Pieces available at

Click here for Sound Samples & Scores
Buzzing Bees
score sample
Firefly's Waltz
score sample
Runway Rock
score sample
A Grand Adventure
score sample
Big Blue Sky*
score sample
Flying Under the Radar
score sample
score sample
Out of This World*
score sample
Where Dreams Take Flight*
score sample
Penguin's Plight
score sample
Alive and Growing

Alive and Growing

Joanne Bender

Categories: Piano Collections/Books, RCM Syllabus (CA)

Levels: Early Advanced/Advanced (Gr 8 - 9), Intermediate/Late Intermediate (Gr 5-7)

Planet Earth is a dreamy gentle piece which uses beautiful harmonies to create a feeling of warmth and thoughtfulness for the earth. Play it freely and expressively.


Keep on Moving is a fast-driving piece which uses quartal chords to create a bold sound. Bring out the melody notes and keep the accompaniment soft. Keep the rhythm steady through the metre changes and the variety of rhythmic patterns. End boldly.


Metamorphosis refers to a change or transformation. Caterpillars undergo a metamorphosis when they become butterflies. In this piece, a change from the minor key to the major key takes place. Enjoy the soft jazzy harmonies and rhythms.


Octa-Tonic is a lively "spiky" piece based on the octatonic scale. Play it with energy and it will energize you and those around you.


High Five Alive is in 5/4 time and flows like a river meandering through the countryside. Its minor key is haunting.


Lean Mean Green Machine is to be played with drive. It varies between 6/8 and 5/8 time and uses quartal chords to give it a unique sound. Crisp staccatos and good accents make this environmentally-friendly piece come alive.


Shadows in the Forest sets a dark, mysterious atmosphere by using many perfect fifth intervals. The damper pedal helps to sustain the shadowy mood. The tremolo adds drama.


Trembling Aspen is an impressionistic piece that paints a tone-picture of the trembling aspen tree, whose leaves tremble in the wind. Its plaintive melodies are haunting.

Click here for Sound Samples & Scores
Planet Earth
score sample
Keep on Moving
score sample
score sample
score sample
High Five Alive
score sample
Lean Mean Green Machine
score sample
Shadows in the Forest
score sample
Trembling Aspen
score sample
Along the Shore

Along the Shore

Beverly Porter

Categories: Piano Collections/Books

Levels: Elementary/Early Intermediate (Gr 1-4)

12 elementary solos suggesting some of the activities, real or imagined, that take place along the beaches and rocky shores of our waterways. Soaring Sea Birds; Mister Crab's Cha-Cha; Gentle Breeze; A Sunny Day; Footprints in the Sand; A Short Ride in a Fast Boat; Fun At the Beach; Lullaby of the Waves; Sand Fleas; The Red Lighthouse; The Colours of Sunset; Don't Rock the Boat!



June Armstrong

Categories: Piano Collections/Books

Levels: Early Elementary/Beginner/Prep A/B

Alphabet is a collection of early piano pieces highlighting a broad range of technical issues for the developing beginner pianist.  Finger dexterity, staccato and legato touch, fluency of hand, wrist and arm movement, hand independence, arm crossings, simple hands together co-ordination, development of a secure underlying pulse and atmospheric sound painting, both dramatic and lyrical, are all addressed in a simple, direct and easy to access way.

Click here for Sound Samples & Scores
Angular Measures

Angular Measures

Martha Hill Duncan

Categories: Piano Collections/Books, RCM Syllabus (CA)

Levels: Early Advanced/Advanced (Gr 8 - 9), Intermediate/Late Intermediate (Gr 5-7)

ANGULAR MEASURES is four pianistic explorations of reverberant sound and rhythm designed to encourage physical freedom, expression and full tone across the entire keyboard. Often using opposing black and white keys between the hands, each piece has a unique mood and tempo allowing for dramatic and artistic flourishes. M.H. Duncan




TANGLE (Level 9)

RCM: The Royal Conservatory of Music

Individual E-Pieces available at

Click here for Sound Samples & Scores
score sample
score sample
score sample
Arctic Sonata

Arctic Sonata

Peter Rudzik

Categories: Piano Collections/Books

Levels: Advanced/Diploma (Grade 10, ARCT and up)

Sonata for piano in three movements. 39 pages, advanced.

Click here for Sound Samples & Scores
Arctic Sonata Score samples
score sample
Arctic Voices

Arctic Voices

Susan Griesdale

Categories: Piano Collections/Books, RCM Syllabus (CA)

Levels: Early Advanced/Advanced (Gr 8 - 9), Elementary/Early Intermediate (Gr 1-4), Intermediate/Late Intermediate (Gr 5-7)

Sounds of the Arctic, alone, haunting, vast and dangerous.



Level 3: INUKSUK (Stone statue) (CSS)






Level 8: GLACIERS  (CSS, CC)



  • RCM: The Royal Conservatory of Music
  • CSS: Contemporary Showcase Syllabus
  • CC: Canada Conservatory Contemporary Idioms
  • CNCM - Canadian National Conservatory Northern Lights

Click here for Sound Samples & Scores
Arctic Voices
score sample
Arctic Fox
score sample
Drum Dance
score sample
Lament for the Polar Bear
score sample
Toques and Parkas
score sample
Arctic Wolf
score sample
score sample
Dancing Skies
score sample
score sample
Around the World

Around the World

Irene Voros

Categories: Piano Collections/Books, Rock, Jazz, Pop, and Blues

Levels: Intermediate/Late Intermediate (Gr 5-7)


8 Intermediate Piano Solos inspired by cities and countries from around the world.    Explore rich harmonies, creative melodies, jazz chords, and blues bass lines in these evocative pieces.  What a wonderful world!  (* Conservatory Canada)

Level 5: Beneath Cherry Blossoms*, Venetian Waterways*, Wailea Shores*

Level 6: Christmas In Stockholm*, Stepping Out In Dublin*, Tango La Boca*, "The Big Easy" Blues, Amazon Rainforest

Individual E-Pieces available at

Click here for Sound Samples & Scores
Beneath Cherry Blossoms*
score sample
Venetian Waterways*
score sample
Wailea Shores*
score sample
Christmas In Stockholm*
score sample
Stepping Out In Dublin*
score sample
Tango La Boca*
score sample

score sample
Amazon Rainforest
score sample
At Sea - Elementary Piano Solos

At Sea - Elementary Piano Solos

Teresa Richert

Categories: Piano Collections/Books

Levels: Early Elementary/Beginner/Prep A/B, Elementary/Early Intermediate (Gr 1-4)

TGR-PC005:  20 pages, illustrated, ISMN 979-0-9001430-5-1


Twelve Elementary Solos. Dreamy, stormy, mysterious and playful solos about creatures and settings related to the sea. Fully illustrated. Teacher notes included. (Preparatory to Grade 2)


Angelfish (Prep), Dancing Starfish (Prep), Sea Turtle (1), Barnacles (1), Octopus (1), Shark (2), Ocean Ripples (2), Song of the Seagulls (1), Dungeness Crab (1), Sunny Day at Sea (2), Storm at Sea (2), Ocean Sunset* (Prep/1)


  • BC Conservatory of Music *2015
  • Conservatory Canada Contemporary Idioms 2021 (all level 1 & 2 pieces)

Click here for Sound Samples & Scores
score sample
Dancing Starfish
score sample
Sea Turtle
score sample
score sample
score sample
score sample
Ocean Ripples
score sample
Dungeness Crab
score sample
Sunny Day at Sea
score sample
Storm at Sea
score sample
Song of the Seagulls
score sample
Ocean Sunset
score sample
Have a look inside the whole book!
score sample
Hardcopy vs. E-Book vs. Studio License
score sample
Becoming: Suite for Solo Piano in Seven Movements

Becoming: Suite for Solo Piano in Seven Movements

Amy Stephens

Categories: Piano Collections/Books, Rock, Jazz, Pop, and Blues

Levels: Advanced/Diploma (Grade 10, ARCT and up), Early Advanced/Advanced (Gr 8 - 9)

32 pages, 7 pieces. This suite for advanced players is written in Third Stream style, which combines jazz language and sensibilities with classical form. The pieces are fully notated, but two movements leave room for improvisation if the player chooses. The music is deep and introspective and allows for much expression and interpretation. The suite has won numerous awards in competitions, including The American Prize for solo/chamber compositions 2023, The Robert Avalon International competition 2020, SMP Press 2019, and Composers Today 2019. 1. Innocence, 2. Provocation, 3. Inquietude, 4. Prayer, 5. Celebration, 6. Serenity, 7. Thanksgiving.

Click here for Sound Samples & Scores
Becoming title page
score sample
1. Innocence
score sample
2. Provocation
score sample
3. Inquietude
score sample
4. Prayer
score sample
5. Celebration
score sample
6. Serenity
score sample
7. Thanksgiving
score sample
Best of Sundae Soup

Best of Sundae Soup

Janet Gieck

Categories: Piano Collections/Books

Levels: Elementary/Early Intermediate (Gr 1-4), Intermediate/Late Intermediate (Gr 5-7)

The music in Sundae Soup, Volumes 1 and 2 was composed over a decade ago to expose my elementary to intermediate piano students to a variety of styles. Because many people have enjoyed these pieces, I decided to combine some of the favourites into one volume, Best of Sundae Soup. My hope is that students will continue to explore many different sounds and rhythms and broaden their musical palates. The pieces were a lot of fun to compose and I hope they will be a delight to play. Enjoy them like a good sundae! Elementary to intermediate. 24 pages. (2024).

If you plan to make multiple copies of this music, please respect copyright and purchase a studio license.

Sweet Dream
Lazy Sunday
Wet Shoes
The Bassment
A Conversation
Summer Drought
After the Rain
Judith's Waltz
Long Weekend
Swingin' Low

Click here for Sound Samples & Scores
Lazy Sunday
score sample
Judith's Waltz
score sample
Sweet Dream
score sample
Long Weekend
score sample
A Conversation
score sample
After the Rain
score sample
Wet Shoes
score sample
The Bassment
score sample
score sample
Summer Drought
score sample
score sample
Swingin' Low
score sample
Branches Anthology

Branches Anthology

Red Leaf Anthology

Categories: NFMC Bulletin (US), Piano Collections/Books, Red Leaf Anthologies

Levels: Intermediate/Late Intermediate (Gr 5-7)

Branches (2022) contains 13 Late Intermediate Piano Solos and takes teachers and students to new heights, branching out into greater complexity both technically and interpretively. This latest collection brings new life to the late intermediate student and offers the unique opportunity to sample the works of all 13 Red Leaf composers, including the newest members of the collective, American composers Wynn-Anne Rossi and Amy Stephens.

Click here for Sound Samples & Scores
Catch the Magic

Catch the Magic

Susan Griesdale

Categories: Piano Collections/Books

Levels: Elementary/Early Intermediate (Gr 1-4), Intermediate/Late Intermediate (Gr 5-7)

A magical collection of solos for the early intermediate student, perfect for recitals and festivals.


Level 1/2: TWINKLE, TWINKLE - Soft, slow, light and 'twinkly'. (CSS)

Level 2: CASTLES - Slow, unhurried, with a haunting stillness.  (CSS)

Level 2: CLOAKED - The enormous spaceship hiding in plain sight. (CSS, CNCM)

Level 2/3: CINDERELLA'S WALTZ - A lover’s waltz played lightly with grace.  (CC)

Level 2/3: DINOSAUR BONES - Plod along, feel the earth shaking with every footstep. (CSS, CC)

Level 3/4: CASTLES IN THE AIR - Sweet, delicate, and sounding like it could float away.  (CC)

Level 3/4: MAGIC CARPET RIDE - Fly through the air gracefully on your magic carpet! (CC)

Level 4: A MUSICAL RIDE - Here’s your chance to go horseback riding! (CC)

Level 4: SLEUTH - Slip into your role as Private Eye as you sneakily search for clues! (CSS)

Level 5: BLUE JEANS - This bluesy laid back swing rhythm for that 'easy going feeling.


  • CSS: Contemporary Showcase Syllabus
  • CC: Canada Conservatory Contemporary Idioms
  • CNCM - Canadian National Conservatory Northern Light

Click here for Sound Samples & Scores
score sample
score sample
Twinkle, Twinkle
score sample
Dinosaur Bones
score sample
Magic Caret Ride
score sample
Blue Jeans
score sample
Castles in the Air
score sample
Cinderella's Waltz
score sample
A Musical Ride
score sample
Causeway Coast Fantasy

Causeway Coast Fantasy

June Armstrong

Categories: Piano Collections/Books

Levels: Early Advanced/Advanced (Gr 8 - 9), Intermediate/Late Intermediate (Gr 5-7)

The five pieces of Causeway Coast Fantasy are Red Sails at Sunset, Mussenden Temple at Sunrise, Rathlin Island, The Pipes of Finn and Bendhu.  They describe various scenes from along the north coast of Ireland.  The music is at times Celtic, atmospheric, experimental and descriptive.

Click here for Sound Samples & Scores
Childhood Excursions: Afternoon at the Playground

Childhood Excursions: Afternoon at the Playground

Amy Stephens

Categories: Piano Collections/Books

Levels: Early Elementary/Beginner/Prep A/B

9 pieces, 24 pages, all pieces in Middle C position. These very fun pieces for Primer and Level 1 introduce young players to important motions for arm and wrist fluidity: wrist rotation, drop-lift, side-to-side, in-and-out, contrary motion, and elbow/wrist circles.  Learning these gross motor motions will keep relaxed fingers on the keys.  Students can also practice their storytelling abilities as they spend a musical afternoon at the playground!  1. Jump Rope, 2. Follow the Leader, 3. Merry-go-round, 4. Hula Hoop, 5. Tug-of-war, 6. Twirling, 7. Cloud Gazing, 8. Tag—You’re It! 9. Clowning Around


Click here for Sound Samples & Scores
Table of contents
score sample
1. Jump Rope
score sample
2. Follow the Leader
score sample
3. Merry-go-round
score sample
4. Hula Hoop
score sample
5. Tug-of-war
score sample
Childhood Excursions: Are We There Yet?!

Childhood Excursions: Are We There Yet?!

Amy Stephens

Categories: NFMC Bulletin (US), Piano Collections/Books, Rock, Jazz, Pop, and Blues

Levels: Early Advanced/Advanced (Gr 8 - 9), Intermediate/Late Intermediate (Gr 5-7)

5 pieces, 32 pages. NFMC 2024-2028 Bulletin Selections for the Popular Piano Solo category: Riding the Rails (level 2), Night on the Town (level 3). Amy combines classical form with jazz language and sensibilities in these very fun pieces.  In this suite, Amy takes the performer through her most-treasured childhood memories in Ontario and Michigan, exploring places like the Algoma Railway to Sault Ste Marie, performances at Stratford, the waterfalls at Niagra-on-the Lake, the monarchs at Point Pelee, harvest time in Chatham and concerts in Detroit. The suite teaches arm and wrist fluidity, with each piece focusing on a different aspect of using elbow and wrist movements at the piano: drop-lift slurs, wrist rotation, wrist circles, side-to-side and in-and-out motions. This suite won 1st place in the Composers Today 2023 competition.  1. Riding the Rails, 2. Monarchs, 3. Night on the Town, 4. Waterfall, 5. Harvest

Click here for Sound Samples & Scores
Table of contents
score sample
1. Riding the Rails
score sample
2. Monarchs
score sample
3. Night on the Town
score sample
4. Waterfall
score sample
5. Harvest
score sample
Childhood Excursions: We're Going on a Trip!

Childhood Excursions: We're Going on a Trip!

Amy Stephens

Categories: Piano Collections/Books

Levels: Elementary/Early Intermediate (Gr 1-4)

7 pieces, 24 pages, all pieces in the key of C major. This very fun suite helps elementary level students explore important arm and wrist movements for developing great technique and fluidity at the piano.  Motions demonstrated include wrist rotation, drop-lift, side-to-side, in-and-out, contrary motion and elbow/wrist circles.  Students will also learn about storytelling as they have fun on this musical adventure!  1. Time to Pack! 2. Driving, 3. Our First Hike, 4. Watch Your Step! 5. A Beautiful Vista, 6. Don’t Jump on the Bed! 7. Time to Sleep...

Click here for Sound Samples & Scores
Table of contents
score sample
1. Time to Pack!
score sample
2. Driving
score sample
3. Our First Hike
score sample
4. Watch Your Step!
score sample
6. Don't Jump on the Bed!
score sample
Classics Made New

Classics Made New

Wynn-Anne Rossi

Categories: Piano Collections/Books

Levels: Early Advanced/Advanced (Gr 8 - 9), Intermediate/Late Intermediate (Gr 5-7)

Classics Made New is a collection of intermediate - late intermediate piano solos inspired by favorite classical pieces.  These piano classics, written by treasured composers, spark happy memories!  They are also popular choices for students.  And now, these new renditions offer jazzy updates to their traditional counterparts.  Consider using both versions in recitals and community performances.  Mix the nostalgia of the past with refreshing new sounds for the 21st century.  Selections include Jazzier Prelude in C, Dragonfly Solfeggietto, Boldface Ballade, Spinning Rag, Last Minute Minuet and Sonatina in C Modern.

Click here for Sound Samples & Scores
Dragonfly Solfeggiato
score sample
Jazzier Prelude in C
score sample
Clowning Around and More!.......

Clowning Around and More!.......

Beverly Porter

Categories: Piano Collections/Books, Rock, Jazz, Pop, and Blues

Levels: Elementary/Early Intermediate (Gr 1-4)

10 solos in varying styles - Character, Impressionistic, Swing, Ragtime, Romantic and an arrangement of a French Christmas Carol brought to Canada by the early settlers. The levels range from Elementary (Thistledown) to Intermediate (Clowning Around) and have both musical and technical challenges. Pieces included in the Contemporary Showcase syllabus are Moonlight Reflections (levels1-2), Valentine's Waltz (2-3) and The Buccaneer (3-4).

Colours of the North

Colours of the North

Joanne Bender

Categories: Piano Collections/Books

Click here for Sound Samples & Scores
Aurora borealis
score sample
Drum Dancer under the Northern Lights
score sample
Copycat Copycat - Elementary Piano Solos

Copycat Copycat - Elementary Piano Solos

Teresa Richert

Categories: Piano Collections/Books, RCM Syllabus (CA)

Levels: Early Elementary/Beginner/Prep A/B, Elementary/Early Intermediate (Gr 1-4)

TGR-PC010:  16 pages, ISMN 979-0-9001444-3-0


Twelve Little Inventions for Elementary Level Pianists - two in each major & minor key up to one sharp or flat. All of the pieces feature imitation and many include simple ornaments which are written out.  (Preparatory to Grade 2)


Contented Cat (1), Cosy Cat (1), Curious Cat* (Prep), Cool Cat (1), Cheerful Cat (2),  Comical Cat (2), Cautious Cat (Prep), Cranky Cat* (1), Carefree Cat (1), Confident Cat (2), Clever Cat (1), Courageous Cat* (2)


  • Conservatory Canada Contemporary Idioms 2021 (most pieces)
  • Contemporary Showcase Syllabus (all pieces)
  • Royal Conservatory of Music *2015/2022

Click here for Sound Samples & Scores
Contented Cat
score sample
Cosy Cat
score sample
Curious Cat
score sample
Cool Cat
score sample
Cheerful Cat
score sample
Comical Cat
score sample
Cautious Cat
score sample
Cranky Cat
score sample
Carefree Cat
score sample
Confident Cat
score sample
Clever Cat
score sample
Courageous Cat
score sample
Have a look inside the whole book!
score sample
Hardcopy vs. E-Book vs. Studio License
score sample
Cottage Days

Cottage Days

Martha Hill Duncan

Categories: NFMC Bulletin (US), Piano Collections/Books, RCM Syllabus (CA)

Levels: Elementary/Early Intermediate (Gr 1-4), Intermediate/Late Intermediate (Gr 5-7)

COTTAGE DAYS is a collection of ten expressive summer soundscapes designed for the elementary and early intermediate pianist. The duet, THE DOG THAT WAS AND THE DOG THAT IS (Level 3-4)  was included in earlier versions of Cottage Days and is still available separately.






RCM: The Royal Conservatory of Music

Individual E-Pieces available at http://marthahillduncan,.com

Click here for Sound Samples & Scores
Misty Morning
score sample
Summer Lightning
score sample
Rowboat at the Dock
score sample
score sample
score sample
score sample
Water Lilies
score sample
score sample
Fire Circle
score sample
August Moon
score sample
The Dog That Was andTthe Dog That Is
score sample
Click here for Sound Samples & Scores
score sample
Puppy Tricks
score sample
Mister Bear
score sample
Milo the Cat
score sample
Wiggly Worms
score sample
Yoo-hoo, Dragonfly
score sample
score sample
Spooky Spider
score sample
Video Fantasy
score sample
Action Figures
score sample
When the Rain Comes
score sample
Inuit Lullaby
score sample
score sample
Dancing Donkey
score sample
Crazy Monkeys
score sample
Daily Comforts, book one

Daily Comforts, book one

Wynn-Anne Rossi

Categories: NFMC Bulletin (US), Piano Collections/Books

Levels: Elementary/Early Intermediate (Gr 1-4)

Daily Comforts book one is a collection of late elementary piano solos celebrating the everyday comforts in our daily lives.  Using the inspiration of Haiku poetry, each piece creates an atmosphere to soothe the spirit and refresh the mind.  Most of the pieces are 2-pages long, perfect for an inspirational supplement or recital. Book one titles include Chicken Noodle Soup, Warm Chocolate Chip Cookies, Cozy Blanket and many more.  Start each morning or finish each evening with sweet reminders of our Daily Comforts!

Click here for Sound Samples & Scores
Purring Cat
score sample
Chicken Noodle Soup
score sample
Daily Comforts, book two

Daily Comforts, book two

Wynn-Anne Rossi

Categories: Piano Collections/Books

Levels: Elementary/Early Intermediate (Gr 1-4)

Daily Comforts book two is a collection of early intermediate piano solos celebrating the everyday comforts in our daily lives.  Using the inspiration of Haiku poetry, each piece creates an atmosphere to soothe the spirit and refresh the mind. Most of the pieces are 2-pages long, perfect for an inspirational supplement or recital. Book two titles include Dark Chocolate Truffle, Perfect Cup of Tea, Lavender Bouquet and many more.  Start each morning or finish each evening with sweet reminders of our Daily Comforts!

Click here for Sound Samples & Scores
Dark Chocolate Truffle
score sample
Lavender Bouquet
score sample
Dance, Danse, Danza Volume 1

Dance, Danse, Danza Volume 1

Susan Griesdale

Categories: Piano Collections/Books

Levels: Early Advanced/Advanced (Gr 8 - 9), Intermediate/Late Intermediate (Gr 5-7)

Lively dances and a little bit of soul to get you moving!


Level 7/8 - Old Town - A night out on the town with exuberant revelry! Let your spirit run wild as you dance to the beat. It’s impossible to keep your feet still! (CSS)

Level 9 - Cool - Alluring and seductive with just the right amount of attitude. Feeling the half beat along the way will help to keep it sultry and provocative. (CSS)

Level 8 - Wild Ceilidh - A high energy ‘toe-stomping’ Celtic romp, play with unlimited merriment!  (CSS)


  • CSS - Contemporary Showcase Syllabus

Click here for Sound Samples & Scores
Old Town score
score sample
Cool score
score sample
Wild Ceilidh score
score sample
Dance, Danse, Danza Volume 2

Dance, Danse, Danza Volume 2

Susan Griesdale

Categories: Piano Collections/Books

Levels: Advanced/Diploma (Grade 10, ARCT and up)

Advanced piano pieces that are imaginative and showy for those performers who what to stand out and capture everyone's attention!


Level 10 - Wayward Waltz - Light and graceful, this little waltz moves along effortlessly with its playful tonality. (CSS)


Level ARCT - Ophelia’s journey starting with her opening fragile state, then inner voices emerging, tension building, to darker more ominous erratic figures suggesting the chaos within, the fractured mind alternating with states of a trance-like delirium. Eventually a frenzied madness completes the end of Ophelia’s tortured journey. The final closing motive welcoming a calming serenity. (CSS)


Level 10 - Reveler's Dance - Wild, boisterous merrymaking, a circle dance in 5/8 time  (CSS)


  • CSS - Contemporary Showcase Syllabus

Click here for Sound Samples & Scores
Wayward Waltz score
score sample
Ophelia Dances Alone score
score sample
Reveler's Dance score
score sample
Dance, Danse, Danza Volume 3 Scatter Dance

Dance, Danse, Danza Volume 3 Scatter Dance

Susan Griesdale

Categories: Piano Collections/Books

Levels: Advanced/Diploma (Grade 10, ARCT and up)

Level ARCT/Diploma - Scatter Dance  (CSS) A virtuosic showpiece that is wildly fun to play. Scatter Dance will make a striking impression with its high percussive energy and playful tonality.



  • CSS - Contemporary Showcase Syllabus

Click here for Sound Samples & Scores
Scatter Dance score
score sample
Dances, Daydreams & Dinosaurs

Dances, Daydreams & Dinosaurs

Janet Gieck

Categories: Piano Collections/Books, RCM Syllabus (CA)

Levels: Early Elementary/Beginner/Prep A/B, Elementary/Early Intermediate (Gr 1-4)

This collection is packed with pieces to capture the imagination of girls and boys. It covers a variety of styles for the elementary piano student and includes program notes. 28 pages. Updated Edition (2010).

If you plan to make multiple copies of this music, please respect copyright and purchase a studio license.

All Aboard the Octave Train
Next Stop, Pemberton!
Spring Day
Card Houses
Chokecherry Jam
Gameboy/Arcade Game
Outdoor Skating Rink
Tricky Tracks
First Dance
The Last Dinosaur
T. S. T-Rex
Sixty Four Beats
Before Dawn
William and Lisa's Waltz

Click here for Sound Samples & Scores
All Aboard the Octave Train
score sample
Next Stop, Pemberton!
score sample
Spring Day
score sample
Card Houses
score sample
score sample
Chokecherry Jam
score sample
Gameboy/Arcade Game
score sample
Outdoor Skating Rink
score sample
Tricky Tracks
score sample
First Dance
score sample
The Last Dinosaur
score sample
T. S. T-Rex
score sample
Sixty Four Beats
score sample
Before Dawn
score sample
William and Lisa's Waltz
score sample
score sample
Dreams and Dragons

Dreams and Dragons

June Armstrong

Categories: Piano Collections/Books

Levels: Early Advanced/Advanced (Gr 8 - 9), Intermediate/Late Intermediate (Gr 5-7)

Welcome to the world of Dreams and Dragons - where not everything is as it seems.  The premise for this collection was to take a single musical idea and create from it both a dream and a dragon, presented as a pair of pieces.  But which is the dream and which is the dragon?  Many of the pieces contain elements of both.  It is a soundscape of make-believe, fairy tales and legends.  Some of the pairs of pieces incorporate only the initial impetus, whilst other pairs contain several corresponding musical ideas.

Click here for Sound Samples & Scores
Easy as Pie

Easy as Pie

Peter Rudzik

Categories: Piano Collections/Books

Levels: Elementary/Early Intermediate (Gr 1-4)

A collection of fourteen cheery and quirky piano pieces inspired by all things edible (and not - i.e. A Bad Egg!). Full of playful and biting dissonances these adventurous pieces are full of vigour and life. Out of the box harmonies and modern new ingredients are sure to broaden the musical palate and certain to provide nourishment for a young pianist. Cdn. grade 2 - 4, 22 pages.

Click here for Sound Samples & Scores
Easy as Pie Score samples
score sample
Eleven Miniatures - Elementary to Intermediate Piano Solos

Eleven Miniatures - Elementary to Intermediate Piano Solos

Teresa Richert

Categories: Piano Collections/Books

Levels: Elementary/Early Intermediate (Gr 1-4), Intermediate/Late Intermediate (Gr 5-7)

TGR-PC008:  20 pages, illustrated, ISMN 979-0-9001430-6-8


These 11 elementary to intermediate-level pieces explore a variety of moods and characters. Some of the bugs are playful, some are jazzy, some are delicate, and others are persistent or mysterious. Teaching notes included. (Grades 1 to 6)


Fleas (1), Ants (1/2), Termites (3), Beetles (3), Bumble Bee (3), Grasshopper (4), Butterfly (5), Mosquito (4), Fireflies (5), Moths (6), Ladybugs (6)


  • Conservatory Canada Contemporary Idioms 2021 (all pieces)

Click here for Sound Samples & Scores
score sample
score sample
score sample
score sample
Bumble Bee
score sample
score sample
score sample
score sample
score sample
score sample
score sample
Have a look inside the whole book!
score sample
Hardcopy vs. E-Book vs. Studio License
score sample
Enchanted World

Enchanted World

June Armstrong

Categories: Piano Collections/Books

Levels: Elementary/Early Intermediate (Gr 1-4)

Welcome to the world of Winnie-the-Pooh.  These elementary/early intermediate pieces affectionately characterise the personalities of the various inhabitants of 100 acre wood and are inspired by the books Winnie-the-Pooh and The House at Pooh Corner by A A Milne.  It is a collection which can be explored out of curiosity.  All the music is technically very approachable and can be quickly mastered.  There is a wide variety of styles and the entire range of the keyboard is used.

Click here for Sound Samples & Scores
Forest Friends

Forest Friends

Irene Voros

Categories: Piano Collections/Books, Rock, Jazz, Pop, and Blues

Levels: Elementary/Early Intermediate (Gr 1-4)

FOREST FRIENDS is a collection of ten piano pieces depicting life in the Forest through jazz chords, evocative melodies, syncopated rhythms, expressive ballads, and lively marches.

Level 1: Forever Friends, Soaring

Level 2: Porcupine Parade, Songbird, Distant Wanderer, Skitter Scatter

Level 3: Rascal Rock, Pounce!

Level 4: Woodpecker's Drum, Grizzly's Groove

Individual E-Pieces available at

Click here for Sound Samples & Scores
Forever Friends
score sample
score sample
Porcupine Parade
score sample
score sample
Distant Wanderer
score sample

score sample
Rascal Rock
score sample
score sample
Woodpecker's Drum
score sample
Grizzly's Groove
score sample
Click here for Sound Samples & Scores
Cockoos on Parade
score sample
Dancing Bears
score sample
Oriental Dream
score sample
Swinging Along
score sample
Giggles'n Kids

Giggles'n Kids

Susan Griesdale

Categories: Piano Collections/Books

Levels: Early Elementary/Beginner/Prep A/B, Elementary/Early Intermediate (Gr 1-4)


An exciting collection of thirty little etudes for your early level student!


Each little etude focuses on one musical aspect that the student may or may not be familiar with. You can introduce a new concept to the student - see what the musical sing looks like, learn what it means and how to play it one piece at a time. Designed to be lighthearted and fun while you work with the student!

Click here for Sound Samples & Scores
Table of Contents
score sample
Green Earth Suite

Green Earth Suite

Joanne Bender

Categories: Piano Collections/Books

4 Pieces for Tenor Saxophone and Piano

Click here for Sound Samples & Scores
score sample
Wind Song
score sample
score sample
Prayer for a Blue Planet
score sample
If Dogs Could Talk

If Dogs Could Talk

Martha Hill Duncan

Categories: NFMC Bulletin (US), Piano Collections/Books, RCM Syllabus (CA)

Levels: Early Elementary/Beginner/Prep A/B, Elementary/Early Intermediate (Gr 1-4)

13 playful piano pieces designed to develop rhythmic and reading skills for eager beginners up to Level 2. They are short but are filled with expressive details, two handed dialogue and contrasting legato and staccato touches to help bring each musical story to life. M.H. Duncan




RCM: The Royal Conservatory of Music

Individual E-Pieces available at

Click here for Sound Samples & Scores
Sleepy Head
score sample
Rumble Tumble
score sample
This and That
score sample
African Kitty
score sample
If Dogs Could Talk
score sample
Sunnier Days
score sample
Little Bird
score sample
I Want to Fly
score sample
score sample
Party Plans
score sample
Flying Horses, Talking Fish
score sample
Imagination - Elementary Piano Solos

Imagination - Elementary Piano Solos

Teresa Richert

Categories: Piano Collections/Books, RCM Syllabus (CA)

Levels: Early Elementary/Beginner/Prep A/B

TGR-PC004:  16 pages, illustrated, ISMN 979-0-9001430-4-4


Ten imaginative solos for young pianists. Fully illustrated. Teacher notes included. (Preparatory Level)


Unicorn** (Prep), Fairy Princess **(Prep), Frog Prince **(Prep), Pirates of the Ghost Ship (Prep), Sunken Treasure (Prep), Jolly Elf (Prep), Pixies on Parade* (Prep), If I Could Grow Wings (Prep), Magic Wand +(Prep), Waltzing Ogres (Prep)


  • BC Conservatory of Music **2015
  • Contemporary Showcase Syllabus+
  • Royal Conservatory of Music *2015

Click here for Sound Samples & Scores
score sample
Fairy Princess
score sample
Frog Prince
score sample
Pirates of the Ghost Ship
score sample
Sunken Treasure
score sample
Jolly Elf
score sample
Pixies on Parade
score sample
If I Could Grow Wings
score sample
Magic Wand
score sample
Waltzing Ogres
score sample
Have a look inside the whole book!
score sample
Hardcopy vs. E-Book vs. Studio License
score sample


Irene Voros

Categories: Piano Collections/Books, Rock, Jazz, Pop, and Blues

Levels: Early Advanced/Advanced (Gr 8 - 9), Intermediate/Late Intermediate (Gr 5-7)


7 Intermediate Piano Solos evocative of the character of each title. Inspired features jazz elements of syncopated rhythms, complex harmonies, and expressive melodic lines.  May each piece in this collection inspire your musical journey!

Level 5: Solace, Reflection

Level 6: Impact

Level 7: Compassion, Hope

Level 8: Courage, Inspired

Individual E-Pieces available at

Click here for Sound Samples & Scores
score sample
score sample
score sample
score sample
score sample
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score sample
Into the Woods

Into the Woods

Beverly Porter

Categories: Piano Collections/Books

Levels: Early Elementary/Beginner/Prep A/B

A collection of elementary piano solos that bring up images of sights and creatures that might be encountered during a walk in the woods......A variety of keys and hand positions,repeating note patterns in different octaves and various rhythmic patterns have been used. At Sunrise, Tall Pines, Scampering Squirrels, Japanese Lanterns, Dancing Leaves, An Army of Ants, Sleepytime, Blue Butterfly, A Rascally Raccoon, Moon Shadows and Flickering Fireflies

Ireland's Most Beautiful Ancient Airs

Ireland's Most Beautiful Ancient Airs

June Armstrong

Categories: Piano Collections/Books

Levels: Early Advanced/Advanced (Gr 8 - 9), Intermediate/Late Intermediate (Gr 5-7)

It has been an immense pleasure creating these arrangements of some of the most beautiful and enduring melodies ever to come from Ireland.  I have treated each melody in a completely different style, but without disturbing the traditional essence of the music.  Whilst I have listened to many interpretations and investigated various sources, I have made no attempt to be bound by traditional interpretation or scholarly research, and the musical ideas employed and the harmonies used are entirely my own.

Click here for Sound Samples & Scores
Isla Vista Suite

Isla Vista Suite

Martha Hill Duncan

Categories: Piano Collections/Books, RCM Syllabus (CA)

Levels: Early Advanced/Advanced (Gr 8 - 9)

ISLA VISTA SUITE was written after an extended stay  in the colorful and lively community of Isla Vista, California. This area is also home to one of the largest over-wintering sites for the monarch butterfly, tall eucalyptus groves and tidepools along the ocean shore. We also experienced the Santa Ana winds, along with the threat of fires in the area. M.H. Duncan





RCM: The Royal Conservatory of Music

Individual E-Pieces available at

Click here for Sound Samples & Scores
The Eucalyptus Grove
score sample
score sample
score sample
Santa Ana Winds
score sample
Johnny Appleseed

Johnny Appleseed

Rebekah Maxner

Categories: Piano Collections/Books

Levels: Early Elementary/Beginner/Prep A/B

Joyful songs, prayers, lullabies and children’s hymns.

  • Early Elementary to Elementary piano (Primer level to Preparatory A)
  • Joyful songs, prayers, lullabies and children’s hymns
  • 12 solos with optional teacher duets
  • Creative activities! Drawing, colouring and songwriting


Simple for beginners, yet beautiful. The duets have lush harmonies that inspire young musicians.


Four hymns of workshop, beautiful arrangements suitable for church and recital performances! Encourage heartfelt, expressive playing and give children peace and a sense of wonder at our beautiful world!


Three songs of blessing or grace, short and sweet, ideal for autumn, harvest, Thanksgiving or all year round!


Two summer camp and fun songs that express the joy of a blessed childhood.


Three tender lullabies, songs for a prayerful bedtime and a peaceful night’s sleep, arranged for beginner with optional teacher duets.



"[My student] loved playing this song [Jesus Loves Me]! She played it in a competition on the weekend and got a gold standing as well as a scholarship!!" ~ Amy

Click here for Sound Samples & Scores
Journey Through the Galaxy

Journey Through the Galaxy

Irene Voros

Categories: Piano Collections/Books, Rock, Jazz, Pop, and Blues

Levels: Elementary/Early Intermediate (Gr 1-4), Intermediate/Late Intermediate (Gr 5-7)


8 Intermediate Piano Solos exploring journeys and adventures through music. Enjoy the varied rhythms and harmonies related to the movement and character of each activity. When performing these pieces, remember to be generous with musical expression of delight, determination and mystery! (* Conservatory Canada)

Level 2: In a Rock Band*

Level 3: Journey Through the Galaxy*, Singin' In the Choir*, Swinging the Salsa*

Level 4: Riding the Rails*, Sailing Away*

Level 5: In a Hot Air Balloon, On a Skateboard

Individual E-Pieces available at

Click here for Sound Samples & Scores
In a Rock Band*
score sample
Journey Through the Galaxy*
score sample
Singin' In the Choir*
score sample
Swinging the Salsa*
score sample
Riding the Rails*
score sample
Saling Away*
score sample
In a Hot Air Balloon
score sample
On a Skateboard
score sample
Jungle Jingles - Elementary Piano Solos

Jungle Jingles - Elementary Piano Solos

Teresa Richert

Categories: Piano Collections/Books

Levels: Early Elementary/Beginner/Prep A/B, Elementary/Early Intermediate (Gr 1-4)

TGR-PC014:  16 pages, ISMN 979-0-9001444-7-8


Embark on a safari through an African jungle where you will meet a majestic lion, a playful chimpanzee, stomping elephants and many other interesting animals.  12 solos (Preparatory to Grade 2)


Crocodile (Prep), Giraffe*/**/+ (Prep/1), Leopard (1), Baboon (Prep), Lion (1),  Zebra (2), Rhinoceros (1), Chimpanzee*/+ (2), Antelope (Prep), Gorilla (1),  Hippopotamus (2), Elephant (2)


  • Conservatory Canada Contemporary Idioms +2021
  • Red Leaf Pianoworks Sprouts Anthology*
  • Royal Conservatory of Music **2022

Click here for Sound Samples & Scores
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Have a look inside the whole book!
score sample
Hardcopy vs. E-Book vs. Studio License
score sample
Just for Fun! Early Elementary Piano Solos

Just for Fun! Early Elementary Piano Solos

Teresa Richert

Categories: Piano Collections/Books

Levels: Early Elementary/Beginner/Prep A/B

TGR-PC012: 20 pages, illustrated, ISMN 979-0-9001444-6-1


14 amusing solos for the early level pianist, many with lyrics.  Ilustrated.  Includes a composition activity to promote student creativity.


The Music Box*, Beat the Drums!*, Jazzy Cat*, Circus Elephants*, My Birthday Party, Wandering Panda*, Treasure Hunt*, Trick or Treat, Dancing Poodle, Raiding the Cookie Jar, Rhythm and Blues* (Composition), I Like Popsicles, Bunnies at the Hop, Electric Guitar Wizard, Parade


  • Canadian National Conservatory Northern Lights*

Click here for Sound Samples & Scores
The Music Box
score sample
Beat the Drums
score sample
Jazzy Cat
score sample
Circus Elephants
score sample
My Birthday Party
score sample
Wandering Panda
score sample
Treasure Hunt
score sample
Trick or Treat?
score sample
Dancing Poodle
score sample
Raiding the Cookie Jar
score sample
Rhythm and Blues
score sample
I Like Popsicles
score sample
Bunnies at the Hop
score sample
Electric Guitar Wizard
score sample
score sample
Have a look inside the whole book!
score sample
Hardcopy vs. E-Book vs. Studio License
score sample
Just Kidding! Elementary Piano Solos (2018 Edition)

Just Kidding! Elementary Piano Solos (2018 Edition)

Teresa Richert

Categories: Piano Collections/Books, RCM Syllabus (CA)

Levels: Early Elementary/Beginner/Prep A/B, Elementary/Early Intermediate (Gr 1-4)

Formerly published (2014) by Frederick Harris Music as Days of Summer


TGR-PC007:  16 pages, illustrated, ISMN 979-0-9001430-8-2


These 12 pieces explore a variety of harmonic, melodic and rhythmic resources and include a wide range of dynamics, articulations, moods and technical challenges. Fully illustrated and will appeal to students of all ages. Teacher notes included.  (Preparatory to Grade 3)


Just Kidding!*(2), Daydreaming** (2), On the Move (2), Snow (Prep), Can't Catch Me* (2), Far Away*** (1), Into Mischief*/+  (Prep/1), Flying Kites (2), Mixolydian Bounce (3), A Rainy Day (1), The Chase* (1)


  • BC Conservatory of Music Horizons*
  • Conservatory Canada Contemporary Idioms 2021 (most pieces)
  • Contemporary Showcase Syllabus+
  • Royal Conservatory of Music **2015, ***2022

Click here for Sound Samples & Scores
Just Kidding!
score sample
score sample
On the Move
score sample
score sample
Can't Catch Me!
score sample
Far Away
score sample
Into Mischief
score sample
Flying Kites
score sample
Mixolydian Bounce
score sample
A Rainy Day
score sample
The Chase
score sample
Have a look inside the whole book!
score sample
Hardcopy vs. E-Book vs. Studio License
score sample
Lady Bug and Friends

Lady Bug and Friends

Beverly Porter

Categories: Piano Collections/Books, RCM Syllabus (CA)

Levels: Elementary/Early Intermediate (Gr 1-4), Intermediate/Late Intermediate (Gr 5-7)

Fanciful bugs are featured in this collection of 10 solos and 1 duet. The level of difficulty ranges from Grades 2 to 5 (elementary to intermediate) and there is a variety of rhythms, tempos and keys.

Land of Dreams Book 1:  Early Elementary Piano Duets for 1 Piano, 4 Hands

Land of Dreams Book 1: Early Elementary Piano Duets for 1 Piano, 4 Hands

Teresa Richert

Categories: Piano Collections/Books, Piano Duets

Levels: Early Elementary/Beginner/Prep A/B

TGR-PD001:  16 pages, ISMN 979-0-9001444-1-6


6 early elementary level (Beginner to Prep) piano duets for one piano, four hands.  Teacher notes included.


Land of Dreams, Mountain Sunset**, Polka Dot Pajamas, Lullaby for a Teddy Bear, Stormy Night*/+, Moonlight Waltz


  • Canadian National Conservatory of Music Northern Lights*
  • Contemporary Showcase Syllabus+
  • NFMC Bulletin (USA)**


This E-Book allows one copy for each performer one piece at a time.  See Hardcopy vs. E-Book vs. Studio License at the end of Sound Samples & Scores below.

Click here for Sound Samples & Scores
Land of Dreams
score sample
Mountain Sunset
score sample
Polka Dot Pajamas
score sample
Lullaby for a Teddy Bear
score sample
Stormy Night
score sample
Moonlight Waltz
score sample
Have a look inside the whole book!
score sample
Hardcopy vs. E-Book vs. Studio License
score sample
Land of Dreams Book 2:  Elementary Piano Duets for 1 Piano, 4 Hands

Land of Dreams Book 2: Elementary Piano Duets for 1 Piano, 4 Hands

Teresa Richert

Categories: Piano Collections/Books, Piano Duets

Levels: Elementary/Early Intermediate (Gr 1-4)

TGR-PD002:  16 pages, ISMN 979-0-9001444-2-6


5 elementary level piano duets (Grades 1 - 3) for one piano, four hands. Teacher notes included.


Birds at Dusk, Starlight Waltz, Night Owls, Crescent Moon*, Nocturne*


  • NFMC Bulletin (USA)*


This E-Book allows one copy for each performer one piece at a time.  See Hardcopy vs. E-Book vs. Studio License at the end of Sound Samples & Scores below.

Click here for Sound Samples & Scores
Birds at Dusk
score sample
Starlight Waltz
score sample
Night Owls
score sample
Crescent Moon
score sample
score sample
Have a look inside the whole book!
score sample
Hardcopy vs. E-Book vs. Studio License
score sample
Land of the Silver Birch

Land of the Silver Birch

Beverly Porter

Categories: Piano Collections/Books

Levels: Elementary/Early Intermediate (Gr 1-4), Intermediate/Late Intermediate (Gr 5-7)

11 folk songs of the Northeast arranged for piano solo. The pieces vary in level from Elementary - Iroquois Lullaby,Gai lon la, Acadian Lullaby and Ah!Si mon moine voulez danser! to Intermediate - She's Like the Swallow. My hope is to inspire an interest in our folk music and to present the songs in a musically rewarding format.

Let's Pretend

Let's Pretend

Susan Griesdale

Categories: Piano Collections/Books

Levels: Early Elementary/Beginner/Prep A/B, Elementary/Early Intermediate (Gr 1-4)

Let your student's imagination take centre stage as they enthusiastically 'pretend to be' with each enchanting tale. Fourteen pieces in all and every piece includes words to help tell the story!



Level 1 - I'M A FIREMAN  (CSS)


Level 2/3 - I'M A COWBOY

Level 3 - I'M A ROCK STAR!,   Level 3 - THE GREAT WIZARD!  (CSS, CC)


  • CSS - Contemporary Showcase Syllabus
  • CC - Conservatory Canada

Click here for Sound Samples & Scores
I Can Fly!
score sample
I am the King!
score sample
I'm a Fireman
score sample
I'm a Cowboy
score sample
I'm a Beautiful Princess
score sample
I'mj a Pretty Ballerina
score sample
I'm an Astronaut
score sample
I'm an Alien
score sample
The Great Wizard!
score sample
Soldier's March
score sample
I'm a Scary Monster!
score sample
I'm Invisible
score sample
I'm a Robot
score sample
I'm a Rock Star!
score sample
Limestone Etchings

Limestone Etchings

Martha Hill Duncan

Categories: NFMC Bulletin (US), Piano Collections/Books, RCM Syllabus (CA)

Levels: Early Advanced/Advanced (Gr 8 - 9)

LIMESTONE ETCHINGS is a collection of piano works  paired with original pencil drawings by artist Spencer Hope. This musical and visual collaboration honors the picturesque and historic city of Kingston, Ontario. M.H. Duncan



ON THE POND (Level 9)

AT CITY HALL (Level 9)

RCM: The Royal Conservatory of Music

Individual E-Pieces available at

Click here for Sound Samples & Scores
The War Memorial
score sample
Kingston Mills Locks
score sample
On the Pond
score sample
At City Hall
score sample
Little Hands, Big Pieces

Little Hands, Big Pieces

Susan Griesdale

Categories: Piano Collections/Books

Levels: Early Elementary/Beginner/Prep A/B, Elementary/Early Intermediate (Gr 1-4)

A fun and imaginative book to have your little ones sounding big in their first year. Every piece a pupil saver! Easy to teach, easy to learn. A teachers dream!

Click here for Sound Samples & Scores
Space Adventure
score sample
Hero's March
score sample
Tribal Dance
score sample
Tea and Sweets
score sample
Magic Spell
score sample
Faerie Dust
score sample
Space Walk
score sample
I am the King!
score sample
Cotton Candy
score sample
Rock Climbing
score sample
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score sample
Big Foot
score sample
Three Cornered Hats
score sample
Madge's Notebook A Piano Tribute to The Hunger Games

Madge's Notebook A Piano Tribute to The Hunger Games

Rebekah Maxner

Categories: Piano Collections/Books, RCM Syllabus (CA)

Levels: Elementary/Early Intermediate (Gr 1-4), Intermediate/Late Intermediate (Gr 5-7)

Engaging music for teens and tweens!

  • Early Intermediate to Early Advanced piano solos (Levels 3 to 8)
  • One Intermediate duet (1P4H)
  • A Piano Tribute to the Hunger Games
  • A piano book you can imagine that the series characters would have on their piano
  • An imagined setting of music mentioned in the books: folk music of District 12, music by Madge for Katniss, plus classics from a time before Panem


Several pieces evoke folk music from District 12 that is mentioned in The Hunger Games books, including the lullaby Deep in the Meadow, the patriotic Valley Song, the haunting The Hanging Tree, the simply beautiful Toasting, as well as the Wedding Dance.

There are also new twists on classics and classic rock that I imagine would still be known in the future, including a Bach/Lennon mash-up Imagine a Prelude, a Beethoven/Led Zeppelin mash-up, Stairway for Elisa, and a new take on the Moonlight Sonata, Over the Moon.

The final two pieces are from Madge to Katniss, Friends of a Feather, a duet, and For Rue, a Chopin-inspired waltz based on Rue’s “all’s well” signal.



“The pieces are so well thought out and student’s will love the literary connections.” ~ Penny Lazarus


“Many of the pieces are original compositions, but there are also some interesting pieces inspired by famous piano pieces…. The pieces seem to evoke the original classical work, rather than exist merely as a simplified version.  Very creative!” ~ Joy Morin, Color in My Piano blog


“One of the things that Rebekah mentioned that really impressed me was that she “tried to imagine what piano music of our era would have survived into the future world of District 12” ~ Penny Lazarus


“…a very creative and unique music book containing songs that capture the series’ setting and story really well, while tastefully interweaving snippets of famous pieces…” ~ Natalie Weber, Music Matters blog

Click here for Sound Samples & Scores
Magical World

Magical World

June Armstrong

Categories: Piano Collections/Books

Levels: Intermediate/Late Intermediate (Gr 5-7)

Magical World is a collection of pieces for the intermediate pianist inspired by the titles of poems from When We Were Very Young and Now We Are Six by A A Milne.  They are lyrical and atmospheric, as well as playful in character.

Click here for Sound Samples & Scores
Music Box

Music Box

June Armstrong

Categories: Piano Collections/Books

Levels: Elementary/Early Intermediate (Gr 1-4)

Without having to leave the piano, here is a collection of different sounds for you to explore from the Appalachian Mountains, the Highlands of Scotland, Ireland, Indonesia to Argentina.  Every instrument has different qualities and timbres.  You can create the world of the orchestra and beyond.  Not only is the music box packed full of instruments from all over the world, but also different types of music from many different musical eras.  Along with traditional music, you will find hints of John Dowland, J S Bach, Mozart, Saint-Saëns, Tchaikovsky, Debussy, Richard Strauss and Piazzolla and even encounters with the merry pranks of Till Eulenspiegel, a dreamy faun, a swan and the very delicate Sugar Plum Fairy.


Click here for Sound Samples & Scores
Music for Theo

Music for Theo

Janet Gieck

Categories: Piano Collections/Books

Levels: Early Advanced/Advanced (Gr 8 - 9)

The pieces in this collection were composed as a challenge to see if I could come up with music a teenage student would want to learn. They are lively, dramatic and full of emotion. There is just enough repetition to make them easy to learn, impressive to hear, and fun to play! Level 8-9 (early advanced). 20 pages.

If you plan to make multiple copies of this music, please respect copyright and purchase a studio license.

Music for Theo No. 1 (Level 9)
Music for Theo No. 2 (Level 8)
Music for Theo No. 3 (Level 9)
Music for Theo No. 4 (Level 8)

Click here for Sound Samples & Scores
Music for Theo No. 1
score sample
Music for Theo No. 2
score sample
Music for Theo No. 3
score sample
Music for Theo No. 4
score sample
Mystery and Merriment

Mystery and Merriment

Janet Gieck

Categories: Piano Collections/Books

Levels: Early Elementary/Beginner/Prep A/B, Elementary/Early Intermediate (Gr 1-4)

The titles of this collection of piano solos for the elementary student evoke the exciting and the fantastical. Composed using principles from Music Learning Theory, many of the pieces utilize repetition and explore the complete geography of the piano. Most would make excellent transposition exercises. I hope you find the pieces easy to learn, impressive to hear, and fun to play!

If you plan to make multiple copies of this music, please respect copyright and purchase a studio license.

To the Finish
Effective Detective
Woodpecker Lane
Reaching in the Magician's Hat
Pins and Needles
Daring Dog
Careful Cat
August Awaits
Moon Rising
Piper's Parade
On the Fence
Prairie Harvest
Through the Trees

Click here for Sound Samples & Scores
To the Finish
score sample
Effective Detective
score sample
Woodpecker Lane
score sample
Reaching in the Magician's Hat
score sample
Pins and Needles
score sample
Daring Dog
score sample
Careful Cat
score sample
August Awaits
score sample
Moon Rising
score sample
Piper's Parade
score sample
On the Fence
score sample
Prairie Harvest
score sample
Through the Trees
score sample


Beverly Porter

Categories: Piano Collections/Books

Levels: Elementary/Early Intermediate (Gr 1-4), Intermediate/Late Intermediate (Gr 5-7)

This collection of pieces has been written over a span of several years and endeavors to portray some of the events and sights of the nighttime hours. The levels are about 1 through 5 and there is a variety of styles from romantic to ragtime, from quiet to playful and from dancing to dreaming. As always my intention is to spark the imagination and musicality of piano students and I hope I have succeeded in some small way towards that goal.

Northern Menagerie - Intermediate Piano Solos

Northern Menagerie - Intermediate Piano Solos

Teresa Richert

Categories: Piano Collections/Books, RCM Syllabus (CA)

Levels: Elementary/Early Intermediate (Gr 1-4), Intermediate/Late Intermediate (Gr 5-7)

TGR-PC003:  28 pages, ISMN 979-0-9001430-2-0


12 pieces in a variety of styles and forms inspired by wild creatures of Canada. (Grades 3 to 7)


Squirrels (3), Bunnies (3), Bear Cubs (4), The Fawn* (5/6), Spirit Bear (6), Tundra Swan+(5/6), The Owl and the Sparrow (6), Garter Snakes (5/6), Chickadees **(7), Bats (6/7), Dancing Bugs (6), The Grand Eagle (6)


  • BC Conservatory of Music Horizons*
  • BC Registered Music Teachers´ Association Commission+
  • Conservatory Canada Contemporary Idioms 2021 (all pieces)
  • Royal Conservatory of Music *2015, **2022

Click here for Sound Samples & Scores
score sample
score sample
Bear Cubs
score sample
The Fawn
score sample
Spirit Bear
score sample
Tundra Swan
score sample
The Owl and the Sparrow
score sample
Garter Snakes
score sample
score sample
score sample
Dancing Bungs
score sample
The Grand Eagle
score sample
Have a look inside the whole book!
score sample
Hardcopy vs. E-Book vs. Studio License
score sample
Ocean Tails

Ocean Tails

Jen Smith Lanthier

Categories: Piano Collections/Books

Levels: Early Elementary/Beginner/Prep A/B, Elementary/Early Intermediate (Gr 1-4)

Ocean Tails is a book of 12 elementary piano solos inspired by Vancouver Island, Canada. These solos are wonderful teaching pieces and include many patterns, familiar hand positions, and memorable melodies. Furthermore, each of the twelve songs are written in an ancient church mode, adding a distinct sound and extending the teaching opportunities. Number of pages: 20. Preparatory Level - Grade 1. *This new, updated 2024 edition contains two brand new pieces!


Titles include: Starfish Strut, Ocean Tails, Tally-Ho Trot, Tall Totems, Two Banana Slugs, Driftwood Shore, Cathedral Grove, Harbour Buzz, Stroll Through Beacon Hill, Double Decker Bus, The Malahat Drive (new), Fan Tan Alley (new)


Two Banana Slugs - Conservatory Canada Contemporary Repertoire Grade 1

Stroll Through Beacon Hill - Conservatory Canada Contemporary Repertoire Grade 1


Listen to Ocean Tails Here

Listen to Stroll Through Beacon Hill Here

Click here for Sound Samples & Scores
Cathedral Grove Score Sample
score sample
Starfish Strut Score Sample
score sample
Off to Camp! Early Elementary Piano Solos

Off to Camp! Early Elementary Piano Solos

Teresa Richert

Categories: Piano Collections/Books

Levels: Early Elementary/Beginner/Prep A/B

TGR-PC011:  24 pages, illustrated, ISMN 979-0-9001444-5-4


14 nature-inspired solos for the beginning pianist, most with lyrics and many with teacher duets. Includes 2 composition exercises to inspire student creativity.


Spider Webs, Don't Pick the Mushrooms, Bull Frog, Campfire Stories*, Middle Part for Campfire Stories (Composition), Starry Night, Banana Slugs, Hopping Rocks, Sword Ferns, Dancing Moon, Songbird, Enormous Tree, Tall as a Tree* (Composition), Rickety Bridge, Little Robin, At the Pond


  • Canadian National Conservatory of Music Northern Lights*

Click here for Sound Samples & Scores
Spider Webs
score sample
Don't Pick the Mushrooms
score sample
Bull Frog
score sample
Campfire Stories
score sample
Middle Part for Campfire Stories
score sample
Starry Night
score sample
Banana Slugs
score sample
Hopping Rocks
score sample
Sword Ferns
score sample
Dancing Moon
score sample
score sample
Enormous Tree
score sample
Tall as a Tree
score sample
Rickety Bridge
score sample
Little Robin
score sample
At the Pond
score sample
Have a look inside the whole book!
score sample
Hardcopy vs. E-Book vs. Studio License
score sample
Old MacDonald had the Blues

Old MacDonald had the Blues

Rebekah Maxner

Categories: Piano Collections/Books, Rock, Jazz, Pop, and Blues

Levels: Elementary/Early Intermediate (Gr 1-4)

Traditional tunes with a popular twist!

  • Late Elementary to Intermediate (Levels 1 to 4)
  • Familiar tunes arranged in today’s popular styles
  • Jazz, blues, Latin, swing, expressive pop piano and more!
  • 12 piano solos


Piano students love to learn and play music that sounds familiar to them. In Old MacDonald had the Blues you will discover a fusion of well-known tunes and popular musical styles. Try your hand at Jazz, Blues, Soft Rock, Ragtime, Latin, and more. Clever and fun, these pieces promise to become recital and festival favourites!



“Each piece in the collection is catchy and fun!” ~ Natalie Weber, Music Matters Blog, CA


“I’m looking forward to using it with my boys.”  – Pete Jutras, GA


“Just a quick note to tell you that my student Madeleine who…bought a copy of “Old MacDonald had the Blues” last week has already learned three of the pieces on her own…. Hope that makes you smile. :)” ~ Elizabeth, NS


“…one of my students in particular is impressed with the Old MacDonald book…. Again this week he remarked that, ‘She makes them all sound so interesting.’” ~ Janice, ON

Click here for Sound Samples & Scores
Olde Tyme Candy Shoppe

Olde Tyme Candy Shoppe

Janet Gieck

Categories: Piano Collections/Books

Levels: Early Elementary/Beginner/Prep A/B, Elementary/Early Intermediate (Gr 1-4)

The pieces in this collection were composed for my candy loving piano students in Southwestern Saskatchewan. They have been arranged in an order of difficulty according to the learning sequence of Music Learning Theory. These pattern pieces sound sophisticated as they utilize the entire piano, yet they are learned with ease. You will also find numerous key signatures and modes represented. May they satisfy your musical sweet cravings! Early elementary piano solos. 24 pages.

If you plan to make multiple copies of this music, please respect copyright and purchase a studio license.

Salt Water Taffy
Rainbow Fudge
Blue Whales
Melting Ice Cream
Chocolate Truffles
Olde Tyme Candy Shoppe
Jelly Beans
Caramel Sauce
Chocolate Eclairs
Birthday Cake Sprinkles
Cinnamon Hearts
Sour Soothers

Click here for Sound Samples & Scores
Salt Water Taffy
score sample
Rainbow Fudge
score sample
Blue Whales
score sample
Melting Ice Cream
score sample
Chocolate Truffles
score sample
Olde Tyme Candy Shoppe
score sample
score sample
Jelly Beans
score sample
Caramel Sauce
score sample
score sample
Chocolate Eclairs
score sample
Birthday Cake Sprinkles
score sample
Cinnamon Hearts
score sample
Sour Soothers
score sample
Out of the Box

Out of the Box

Susan Griesdale

Categories: Piano Collections/Books

Levels: Early Advanced/Advanced (Gr 8 - 9), Intermediate/Late Intermediate (Gr 5-7)

Cheery and Quirky! These pieces are perfect for encores. Have fun with them, all a little different, all slightly 'out of the box'!

Level 5/6 - Spriggans

Level 6 - Carousel, Spinning

Level 7 - Brush Strokes, Ferry Boat Ride

Level 7/8 - Spunk

Level 8 - The Jitters (CNCM), Veiled

Level 8/9 - Parade for One

Level 9 - Bounce, Rattle'n Squeak


  • CNCM - Canadian National Conservatory Northern Lights

Click here for Sound Samples & Scores
score sample
Brush Strokes
score sample
Parade for One
score sample
Ferry Boat Ride
score sample
score sample
The Jitters
score sample
Bounce, Rattle'n Squeak
score sample
score sample
Outside My Window Volume 1

Outside My Window Volume 1

Janet Gieck

Categories: Piano Collections/Books, RCM Syllabus (CA)

Levels: Early Advanced/Advanced (Gr 8 - 9), Intermediate/Late Intermediate (Gr 5-7)

These pieces came about during a time when I was discovering my creative voice through experimentation with various compositional techniques. I was exploring the colors in modes, the vitality of rhythms, the richness of polychords, as well as other stylistic elements. It was during this process that I began to open up my “window” to different sounds and styles of music. This collection contains both reflective and show-piece explorations. I hope they open up your musical lens to views that are uniquely stunning! Late intermediate piano solos. 24 pages. Updated edition (2010).

If you plan to make multiple copies of this music, please respect copyright and purchase a studio license.

Irish Dawn
The Girl With the Mixolydian Hair
Outside My Window

Click here for Sound Samples & Scores
Irish Dawn
score sample
The Girl With the Mixolydian Hair
score sample
score sample
Outside My Window
score sample
Outside My Window Volume 2

Outside My Window Volume 2

Janet Gieck

Categories: Piano Collections/Books

Levels: Advanced/Diploma (Grade 10, ARCT and up), Early Advanced/Advanced (Gr 8 - 9)

This volume illustrates scenes of the prairies, from unpredictable and sometimes torrential weather patterns, to glorious sunrises that fill the horizon as far as the eye can see. There is tranquility found on the prairies that can inspire spiritual reflection. I hope the music opens your musical lens to views that are uniquely stunning! Advanced. 28 pages. Updated edition (2010).

If you plan to make multiple copies of this music, please respect copyright and purchase a studio license.

Torrential Tantrum
In the Mist We Grow
Sunrise: A Portrait

Click here for Sound Samples & Scores
Sunrise: A Portrait
score sample
Pacific Passages

Pacific Passages

Irene Voros

Categories: Piano Collections/Books, Rock, Jazz, Pop, and Blues

Levels: Early Advanced/Advanced (Gr 8 - 9), Intermediate/Late Intermediate (Gr 5-7)


8 Late Intermediate Piano Solos celebrating the serenity and majesty of the Pacific Northwest. Imagine the captivating beauty of a beautiful coastline, stunning mountain ranges, and a vast open ocean as you interpret these evocative works. (* Conservatory Canada)

Level 5: Lighthouse*, Rain Drops*

Level 6: Open Water*, Pacific Sunset*

Level 7: Snow Peaks*, White Caps*

Level 8: Morning Glory*, Rugged Coastline*

Individual E-Pieces available at

Click here for Sound Samples & Scores
score sample
Rain Drops*
score sample
Open Water*
score sample
Pacific Sunset*
score sample
Snow Peaks*
score sample
White Caps*
score sample
Morning Glory*
score sample
Rugged Coastline*
score sample
Paint Box

Paint Box

June Armstrong

Categories: Piano Collections/Books

Levels: Early Elementary/Beginner/Prep A/B, Elementary/Early Intermediate (Gr 1-4)

The pieces in this collection are almost entirely written in five finger position.  In some of them there are simple hand position changes, but all should be easily accessible at elementary standard.  Each piece is designed to convey the mood or the suggestion of the colour of its title.

Click here for Sound Samples & Scores
Parking an Octatonic Truck

Parking an Octatonic Truck

John Burge

Categories: Piano Collections/Books, RCM Syllabus (CA)

Levels: Elementary/Early Intermediate (Gr 1-4), Intermediate/Late Intermediate (Gr 5-7)

A collection of ten pieces ranging from Grades 1-8 that explores some of the more unusual approaches to composition such as polytonality, sympathetic reverberation, less traditional meters and clusters. John Burge used many of these pieces in the past as Quick Study repertoire for music festivals and as such, are put together in a logical fashion making them easy to teach, memorize and most importantly, fun to play. The set includes, "Dancing Scales" (RCM Grade 6 Etude List) and "Cluster Blues" (RCM Grade 8 List D). 24 pages.

Click here for Sound Samples & Scores
Parking an Octatonic Truck - Score Sample
score sample
No. 1 - A Gentle Waltz
No. 2 - Playing with Prisms
No. 3 - High Fives
No. 4 - Lonely
No. 5 - Building Blocks
No. 6 - Johann Phones Dmitri
No. 7 - Parking An Octatonic Truck
No. 8 - Dodge Ball
No. 9 - Dancing Scales
No. 10 - Cluster Blues
Petals for Piano - Intermediate Solos plus a Trio at One Piano

Petals for Piano - Intermediate Solos plus a Trio at One Piano

Teresa Richert

Categories: Piano Collections/Books, Piano Trios, RCM Syllabus (CA)

Levels: Elementary/Early Intermediate (Gr 1-4), Intermediate/Late Intermediate (Gr 5-7)

TGR-PC009:  28 pages, ISMN 979-0-9001430-0-6


Ten dreamy solos named for the official flowers of the ten Canadian provinces. The trio for 6 hands at one piano, Northern Petals, represents the three Canadian territories. Each solo is in a different key. They explore a variety of technical challenges for the intermediate student and all, including the trio, require expressive playing and extensive use of the damper pedal. (Grades 3 to 7)


Dogwood (7)   Wild Rose + (3)   Prairie Lily(3/4) Prairie Crocus (4/5)  White Trillium (6/7)  Blue Iris** (7)  Violets (5/6)   Mayflower (4)  Lady's Slipper (5/6)   Sarracenia (4)  Northern Petals Trio*** 6H/1P (4/5)


  • Canadian National Conservatory of Music Northern Lights**
  • Conservatory Canada Contemporary Idioms (most pieces)
  • NFMC Bulletin (USA)***
  • Royal Conservatory of Music +2022


Wild Rose performance on YouTube by Jeremy Zhang, winner of a Platinum award at the 2024 Canadian International Music Competition.

Click here for Sound Samples & Scores
score sample
Wild Rose
score sample
Prairie Lily
score sample
Prairie Crocus
score sample
White Trillium
score sample
Blue Iris
score sample
score sample
score sample
Lady's Slipper
score sample
score sample
Northern Petals
score sample
Have a look inside the whole book!
score sample
Hardcopy vs. E-Book vs. Studio License
score sample
Piano Mime in Concert

Piano Mime in Concert

Susan Griesdale

Categories: Piano Collections/Books, RCM Syllabus (CA)

Levels: Early Advanced/Advanced (Gr 8 - 9), Intermediate/Late Intermediate (Gr 5-7)

A collection of theatrical character pieces affords an opportunity to create a unique concert program where you can mix and match to design your very own mini recital!

Level 4/5: Did You Have to Go,   Lullaby with Ground Bass (CC),   The Trolls are Coming

Level 5: Memory of a Waltz,   Dancing Clowns (RCM),   Sleepwalking (RCM)  Brand New Sneakers,

Level 6: Piano Mime (CC, RCM)

Level 7: Quiet Cove,   High Jinks

Level 8: Tornado,   Night Shadows


  • RCM - Royal Conservatory of Music (2015, 2022)
  • CC - Conservatory Canada

Click here for Sound Samples & Scores
Dancing Clowns
score sample
Did You Have to Go
score sample
High Jinks
score sample
Lullaby with Ground Bass
score sample
Memory of a Waltz
score sample
Night Shadows
score sample
Piano Mime
score sample
Quiet Cove
score sample
score sample
The Trolls are Coming!
score sample
score sample
Brand New Sneakers
score sample
Piano Poems

Piano Poems

Susan Griesdale

Categories: Piano Collections/Books

Levels: Early Advanced/Advanced (Gr 8 - 9), Intermediate/Late Intermediate (Gr 5-7)

A 'must have' collection of lyrical, introspective pieces for the sensitive musician.


Level 2/3: After the Rain

Level 3/4: Walk with Me

Level 4: Remembering You (CC),    Dreamcatcher  (CSS, CC, CNCM)

Level 6: Sail Away  (CSS, CC)

Level 6/7: Lavender Dreams  (CC),    Soliloquy

Level 8: Antique Lace  (CC, CNCM),    Forgotten


  • CSS - Contemporary Showcase Syllabus
  • CC - Conservatory Canada Contemporary Idioms Piano
  • CNCM - Canadian National Conservatory Northern Lights

Click here for Sound Samples & Scores
Lavender Dreams
score sample
score sample
Remembering You
score sample
Walk with Me
score sample
score sample
Antique Lace
score sample
score sample
Sail Away
score sample
Piano Reflections

Piano Reflections

John Burge

Categories: Piano Collections/Books

Levels: Advanced/Diploma (Grade 10, ARCT and up), Early Advanced/Advanced (Gr 8 - 9)

Piano Reflections is a collection of eight Intermediate and Advanced piano solos. In many ways this collection is a follow-up to Parking an Octatonic Truck in that both books include compositions that were written in the late 1990's for use as quick-study pieces. Initially this new set was to consist of only six pieces but while assembling and editing the music, Burge was asked to write a composition for one of his colleagues at Queen's University in honour of the university's first Nobel Prize recipient in 2015. Although completely unanticipated at the time, the resultant tribute to Dr. Arthur McDonald titled, "Oscillations," became this collection's most significant work. There is a fine video of Burge performing this diploma-level composition on Youtube. Additionally, in 2015 Adele Barclay, a writer and former first-year harmony student of Burge's, happened to mention his solo piano arrangement of "O Canada" in a Literary Review of Canada book critique. As this arrangement often changed character due to its improvisational underpinnings, finally putting the notes down on paper made his setting of "O Canada" another ideal addition. 42 Pages.

Click here for Sound Samples & Scores
Piano Reflections - Contents and Grade Levels
score sample
Piano Reflections - Complete Program Notes
score sample
No. 1 - Prelude to a Prelude
score sample
No. 1 - Prelude to a Prelude
No. 2 - Playing Tag
score sample
No. 2 - Playing Tag
No. 3 - Variations on a Simple Theme
score sample
No. 3 - Variations on a Simple Theme
No. 4 - Pastels
score sample
No. 4 - Pastels
No. 5 - One-Note Groove
score sample
No. 5 - One-Note Groove
No. 6 - Dancing Arpeggios
score sample
No. 6 - Dancing Arpeggios
No. 7 - O Canada
score sample
No. 7 - O Canada
No. 8 - Oscillations
score sample
No. 8 - Oscillations


Martha Hill Duncan

Categories: NFMC Bulletin (US), Piano Collections/Books, RCM Syllabus (CA)

Levels: Early Advanced/Advanced (Gr 8 - 9), Intermediate/Late Intermediate (Gr 5-7)

Seven highly contrasted “weather-related” soundscapes that make for exciting late intermediate to advanced recital repertoire.



Level 9: RACING THE STORM (RCM Level 9)

RCM: The Royal Conservatory of Music

Individual E-Pieces available at



Click here for Sound Samples & Scores
score sample
score sample
score sample
Racing the Storm
score sample
First Snow
score sample
Puffin Island

Puffin Island

June Armstrong

Categories: Piano Collections/Books

Levels: Elementary/Early Intermediate (Gr 1-4)

Rathlin is an island lying off the north coast of County Antrim, Northern Ireland, where puffins come to breed annually, and can be seen from May to August.  The island is remote and beautiful and is home to much wild life.  Our day on ‘Puffin Island’ starts with a breezy trip from the mainland on the ferry, arriving in the early morning mist.  We see gannets, hares, seals, puffins and curlews.  There are sea anemones in the rock pools and waves breaking on the beach.  After an evening of Irish traditional music, the sun sets peacefully in the west.

Click here for Sound Samples & Scores
Rags to Riches

Rags to Riches

Beverly Porter

Categories: Piano Collections/Books, Rock, Jazz, Pop, and Blues

Levels: Elementary/Early Intermediate (Gr 1-4)

A collection of 13 pieces ranging from Elementary to Early Intermediate levels (Grade 1 to Grade 4), in various styles from jazz to impressionistic. I hope they will delight the ear and inspire the musical imagination.

Rainy Days

Rainy Days

Martha Hill Duncan

Categories: Piano Collections/Books

Levels: Elementary/Early Intermediate (Gr 1-4), Intermediate/Late Intermediate (Gr 5-7)

Rainy Days is the companion collection to Cottage Days and is full of indoor activities for the rainiest of days. M.H. Duncan

Level 3: ROCK PAPER SCISSORS, PAPER DOLLS                                                                                   Level 4: PAPER AIRPLANES, CRAZY 8s, 1 MISSISSIPPI, 2 MISSISSIPPI

Individual E-Pieces available at

Click here for Sound Samples & Scores
Pillow Fight
score sample
Monkeys on the Bed
score sample
52 Pickup
score sample
Rock, Paper, Scissors
score sample
Paper Dolls
score sample
Paper Airplanes
score sample
score sample
Crazy 8s
score sample
Dear Diary
score sample
In the Mirror
score sample
1 Mississippi, 2 Mississippi
score sample


June Armstrong

Categories: Piano Collections/Books

Levels: Elementary/Early Intermediate (Gr 1-4)

Welcome to Razzamatazz! - a collection of jazz and blues inspired pieces with lots of swing and rhythmic drive. Some of the pieces contain a written-out improvisation to give you some ideas to play around with.  You can, of course, also choose to play them just as they are written.  Remember that the ‘groove’ is the most important element of all of these pieces.

Click here for Sound Samples & Scores
Rock That Train

Rock That Train

Rebekah Maxner

Categories: Piano Collections/Books, Rock, Jazz, Pop, and Blues

Levels: Elementary/Early Intermediate (Gr 1-4)

Music inspired by Harry Connick Jr., Michael Kaeshammer, The Rankins, Twenty One Pilots, The Beatles and more!

Enthusiasm for a piece encourages love for music, for the piano, and propels the child’s desire to practice and advance.

  • Late Elementary to Early Intermediate (Levels 1 to 3)
  • 11 Piano Solos
  • Inspired by today’s popular styles
  • Jazz, boogie, rock, expressive pop piano


When a student loves a piece, it shows! Enthusiasm for a piece encourages love for music, for the piano, and propels the child’s desire to practice and advance. This is a collection of pieces I’ve been developing over several years; favourites that have brought smiles to my students’ faces and had toes tapping in recitals. This volume is for the love of music. Enjoy!

Click here for Sound Samples & Scores
Rock the Boat

Rock the Boat

Rebekah Maxner

Categories: Piano Collections/Books

Levels: Early Elementary/Beginner/Prep A/B

Popular styles in easy notation!

  • Early Elementary to Elementary piano (Primer level to Preparatory A)
  • Blues, boogie, jazz, expressive pop piano
  • 21 solos with optional teacher duets
  • Titles, lyrics and music students can relate to and play from the heart
  • Pieces designed to help students develop fluent reading skills


Rock the Boat inspires young piano students with engaging music, titles and lyrics. Every emotion is explored: from joy to determination, from worry to bravery, from feeling the comfort of falling asleep at home to the stress of bad weather, from wanting time alone to wanting connection and love. The optional teacher duets further enrich the student’s sonic experience. The playful themes of cats and rats and music of the sea are sprinkled throughout.


Pedagogically, these pieces are crafted to develop reading fluency in the early stages of staff notation.


Contents: Skitter Scatter, Pitter Patter; Bee on Her Bonnet; Blow Me Down, Billy; Float Your Boat; Down Over Yonder; Moonlight When I Sleep;  Playground Groove; The Smallest Piece; The Emoji Sticker Song; Song of the Mermaid; Clown March; Sailor's Knot; Just Like That!; Rainbow; Sometimes I Worry; Dribble and Pass; Pussycat Waltz; Scat, Cat!; When You Take the Time; Rock the Boat; Pirate's Ire.



“The student parts…capture a mature and musical sound that is sure to make every student feel like an accomplished pianist.” ~ Natalie Weber, Music Matters blog


This is the Second Edition of Rock the Boat. Several pieces that were originally in the first edition have been moved to a companion volume in the Rock Collection SeriesTM which focuses on early improvisation and beginner note and rote pieces: Rock the Baby.

Click here for Sound Samples & Scores
Rock This Town

Rock This Town

Rebekah Maxner

Categories: Piano Collections/Books, Rock, Jazz, Pop, and Blues

Levels: Early Elementary/Beginner/Prep A/B

Music that sparks joy and excitement!

  • Elementary to Late Elementary piano (Prep B to Level 1)
  • 11 Original piano works inspired by popular styles
  • Rock and roll, jazz, blues, expressive pop piano
  • 6 Piano solos
  • 4 Solos with optional teacher duets
  • 1 Elementary duet (1P4H)


You will enjoy the melodies with the fun duets! Music that girl and boy students will love!


Rock this Town is the Elementary book of the Rock Collection Series, a stepping stone between Rock the Boat (Early Elementary) and Rock that Train (Late Elementary to Early Intermediate).


In this volume, Preparatory and Level 1 piano students get to play current music that dances and sings! With piano solos, solos with optional duets, and a spattering of lyrics and illustrations, this book makes the transition to more mature-sounding music, while remaining simple in rhythm and key. The duet ‘Black Tie Showdown’ is a new key pattern showstopper.



"[You] will find pieces that will encourage exploration of the entire keyboard, chromatic passages, different time signatures, key centres, varying rhythm combinations and time signatures. You will also find opportunities for rote learning....The pieces in Rock This Town will set up much conversation, imagery, creativity and fun!" ~ Jennifer Foxx, Music Educator Resources blog

Click here for Sound Samples & Scores


June Armstrong

Categories: Piano Collections/Books

Levels: Early Elementary/Beginner/Prep A/B, Elementary/Early Intermediate (Gr 1-4)

Safari is a journey through a day in Africa.  The day begins at dawn and ends under a starlit sky.  Along the way we encounter the landscape of the savannah and many of the animals that live there.  Thinking about the picture of the scene, or the character of the animal, will help you create a mood and atmosphere for each piece.  Have a wonderful adventure!

Click here for Sound Samples & Scores
Sailing on the Solar Wind from The Pianist's Guide to the Universe

Sailing on the Solar Wind from The Pianist's Guide to the Universe

Martha Hill Duncan

Categories: Piano Collections/Books

Levels: Elementary/Early Intermediate (Gr 1-4), Intermediate/Late Intermediate (Gr 5-7)

In this whimsical marriage of astronomy and music, my husband, astrophysicist, Dr. Martin Duncan and I have combined our talents to celebrate the beauty of the night sky and the magic of music. SAILING ON THE SOLAR WIND focuses on our own solar system. M.H. Duncan





Individual E-Pieces available at


Click here for Sound Samples & Scores
score sample
score sample
The Solar Wind
score sample
Comet Tails
score sample
The Red One
score sample
Asteroid 6115
score sample
Lucy and the Trojans
score sample
Saturn's Rings
score sample
Pluto and Charon
score sample
Arrokoth the Snowman
score sample
Saplings Anthology

Saplings Anthology

Red Leaf Anthology

Categories: NFMC Bulletin (US), Piano Collections/Books, RCM Syllabus (CA), Red Leaf Anthologies

Levels: Elementary/Early Intermediate (Gr 1-4), Intermediate/Late Intermediate (Gr 5-7)

Saplings features twenty-one early intermediate piano solos and is the second anthology from the composers of Red Leaf Pianoworks. Following Red Leaf's first elementary volume, Sprouts, this collection raises the technical and interpretive challenges while keeping the repertoire imaginative and inspiring for both the teacher and performer.

Click here for Sound Samples & Scores
Scenes of San Francisco

Scenes of San Francisco

Amy Stephens

Categories: Piano Collections/Books, Rock, Jazz, Pop, and Blues

Levels: Advanced/Diploma (Grade 10, ARCT and up), Early Advanced/Advanced (Gr 8 - 9)

6 pieces, 28 pages. This Third Stream suite combines classical form with jazz language and rhythm in six sophisticated pieces depicting the composer's favorite places around San Francisco, one of the most fascinating cities in the world! These intricate pieces are great for recitals, competitions and adjudications. The collection has been an award-winner in the International Association of Women in Music's Search for New Music, American Prize, SMP Press and Composers Today composition competitions. 1. Golden Gate, 2. Race from Alcatraz, 3. Among the Mighty Redwoods, 4. The Lighthouse, 5. A Saturday Stroll, 6. The Setting Sun

Click here for Sound Samples & Scores
Scenes of San Francisco Title Page
score sample
1. Golden Gate
score sample
2. Race from Alcatraz
score sample
3. Among the Mighty Redwoods
score sample
4. The Lighthouse
score sample
5. Saturday Stroll
score sample
6. The Setting Sun
score sample
Sea World

Sea World

June Armstrong

Categories: Piano Collections/Books

Levels: Elementary/Early Intermediate (Gr 1-4)

Sea World is all about the seas of the world and the creatures that inhabit them.  The sea is always in motion and many of the pieces will be greatly enhanced by the use of gentle rubato or a flexible pulse.  You will encounter dolphins leaping, green turtles, angel fish, coral reefs, mermaids, whales and moonlight and much more.

Click here for Sound Samples & Scores
Seascape - Advanced Piano Solos

Seascape - Advanced Piano Solos

Teresa Richert

Categories: Piano Collections/Books

Levels: Early Advanced/Advanced (Gr 8 - 9)

TGR-PC002:  20 pages, ISMN 979-0-9001430-1-3


Four dreamy pieces inspired by sunny walks along Vancouver's seawall (and a little imagination). (Grade 8 - 9)


No.1 Soaring Seagulls **(8/9), No.2 Sailing (9), No.3 The Orca (9), No.4 The Mermaid* (9)


  • BC Conservatory of Music Horizons*
  • Canadian National Conservatory of Music Northern Lights**
  • Conservatory Canada Contemporary Idioms 2021 (all pieces)