Six Little Preludes and Fugues

Six Little Preludes and Fugues was written for the early intermediate/intermediate level pianist.  Each prelude and fugue is related, sometimes just in style but sometimes also in thematic material as well.  Playing a fugue is an art in itself.  It teaches much about form, but also about musical architecture and balance.

The Nine Glens of Antrim

The Nine Glens of Antrim are a very special part of Ireland.  Each of the nine pieces represents a glen, and explores the expressive and atmospheric ranges of the piano, evoking the beauty of the landscape through resonances of Irish music.  The pieces are early intermediate/intermediate standard.   Each one of them is designed to introduce… Read more »

Puffin Island

Rathlin is an island lying off the north coast of County Antrim, Northern Ireland, where puffins come to breed annually, and can be seen from May to August.  The island is remote and beautiful and is home to much wild life.  Our day on ‘Puffin Island’ starts with a breezy trip from the mainland on… Read more »

Enchanted World

Welcome to the world of Winnie-the-Pooh.  These elementary/early intermediate pieces affectionately characterise the personalities of the various inhabitants of 100 acre wood and are inspired by the books Winnie-the-Pooh and The House at Pooh Corner by A A Milne.  It is a collection which can be explored out of curiosity.  All the music is technically… Read more »

Sea World

Sea World is all about the seas of the world and the creatures that inhabit them.  The sea is always in motion and many of the pieces will be greatly enhanced by the use of gentle rubato or a flexible pulse.  You will encounter dolphins leaping, green turtles, angel fish, coral reefs, mermaids, whales and… Read more »

Music Box

Without having to leave the piano, here is a collection of different sounds for you to explore from the Appalachian Mountains, the Highlands of Scotland, Ireland, Indonesia to Argentina.  Every instrument has different qualities and timbres.  You can create the world of the orchestra and beyond.  Not only is the music box packed full of… Read more »

Take Ten

Take Ten is a collection of jazz and blues inspired piano pieces for ten fingers for the elementary/early intermediate learner.  The pieces can be played just as they are written, with or without repeats, or they can be used to take early steps in experimentation with improvisation.  All the pieces can be played exclusively in… Read more »

Paint Box

The pieces in this collection are almost entirely written in five finger position.  In some of them there are simple hand position changes, but all should be easily accessible at elementary standard.  Each piece is designed to convey the mood or the suggestion of the colour of its title.


Safari is a journey through a day in Africa.  The day begins at dawn and ends under a starlit sky.  Along the way we encounter the landscape of the savannah and many of the animals that live there.  Thinking about the picture of the scene, or the character of the animal, will help you create… Read more »

Toy Box

Toy Box is filled to the brim with musical representations of toys for the early learner – teddy bears, train sets, spinning tops, kites, dinosaurs, jigsaws, rocking horses, fire engines, xylophones, building blocks and much more.  Various aspect of technique are addressed along with atmospheric interpretations and the use of the entire keyboard.